Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Kazi & Kazi Tea Estate Limited, Panchagarh

Kazi and Kazi Tea Estate Limited
Kazi & Kazi Tea Estate Limited

Kazi & Kazi Tea Estate Limited
Kazi & Kazi Tea Estate Limited
Bangladesh is a small country. There are some unimaginable beautiful places all over the country. I am extremely lucky to see some of them. Kazi & Kazi Tea Estate is one of them. At first I couldn't believe that there is an organic tea garden which is well organized, decorated with all modern faculties, has the impressions of aristocracy, is running across a large area. The tea of Kazi & Kazi produced in its own garden, free from chemical, fertilizers and pesticides. They are the pioneer of organic tea plantation and produce high-quality organic tea. There are also cattle farm, orange garden, neem garden, vegetable garden, fish pond etc. They are making sweets with their own produce cow's milk. Cow dung is being used in tea gardens as fertilizer. Neem water is being used to control insects in the tree garden. Everything is natural.
Kazi & Kazi Tea Estate is located in a village called Raushanpur in Tetulia upazila of Panchagarh district. It has been producing tea since 2006. At present, the company is exporting tea to America, Germany, China and Japan. They have various types of tea including Black Tea, Green Tea, Green Lemongrass Tea, Tulsi Tea, Ginger Tea, Jasmine Tea, Bengal Breakfast Tea, Ulang Tea. The distance of Kazi T Estate from the city is approximately 55 kilometers. As soon as you enter through the beautiful gate, a dark entrance in the shade of herbs is waiting for you on the right hand side. When you come to the end of that path lost in the greenery all around you, some of the most beautiful cottages built in a modern style will catch your eyes. This private cottage / bunglow is very luxuries. You will be fascinated by such a beautiful cottage in the crowd of trees. There is a lake inside, a few cottages next to it and a bridge in the middle of the lake to cross it. From bridges to walkways, lakes, restrooms, wooden cottages, you will find a clear impression of nobility and aesthetics. You will see some horses in the open field eating grass.

About our journey 

We visited the Rangpur division because of some official work. We cover Gaibandha, Dinajpur, Thakurgaon and Panchagarh district. 4th December night we came here and 5th December we visited Kazi & Kazi, Banglabandha Zero Point and Tetulia Daak Bungalow. All credit goes to my dear colleague Md Mustafezur Rahman Rony for taking the permission to go inside Kazi & Kazi.

How to go

Kazi & Kazi Tea Estate is a private property and you cannot visit without permission. However, there are other small tea gardens and lot's of other places to see which I mention as a list below.

The distance from Dhaka to Panchagarh is about 456 km and from Panchagarh to Tentulia is 40 km. Panchagarh can be reached by road or rail from anywhere in the country. You can go there directly from different districts including Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet. You can also go Tetulia from Dhaka. Buses of various transport companies like Hanif, Shyamoli, Babul Paribahan goes there.

Where to Stay

There is no place to stay in Tetulia. You have to stay in Panchagarh. You can hire a private car or CNG to visit tetulia. However, with prior permission, you can spend the night at Tentulia Dak Bungalow or in the District Commissioner Bungalow. There are several good residential hotels and rest houses in Panchagarh district town for overnight stay. There are two types of rooms, AC and non-AC. The rent is relatively low under 300 to 1500 tk depending on the season.

Video of the Tea Garden at 7.30 AM

Let's see some of the stunning pictures of this plase. I took all those photographs using my mobile camera. 

Tea Garden at 7.30 AM

Morning sunshine

Morning sunshine

Guest Cottage
Guest Cottage
Common Myna (শালিক)
View of tea garden from the guest room
View of tea garden from the guest room
View of tea garden from the guest room
View of tea garden from the guest room
View of tea garden from the guest room

Fog and spider wab

The long road
This is the place I would like to mention specially. Where I am standing is the end of Bangladesh and the Tea garden next to me is in India. There is no fench or restiction because both of the Tea garden is a private property. We are not allowed to go further.

Border area between Bangladesh and India

Border area between Bangladesh and India

Border area between Bangladesh and India

This is a small Orange garden. There are some lemon tree as well. This is an experimantal project. This orange are not so sweet.

Orange Tree
Orange Tree
Lemon Tree
Lemon Tree
They have a big cattle farm worth mentioning. It produce meat, milk, sweet, biogas and fartilizer. They have thir own grass field and small sweet factory. Yes! we take few sweets from there. 

Cattle Farm

Grass Field

Seperating Milk Cream

 Sweet Factory


Flute playing statue beside the pond

Private Bungalow

Private Bungalow

Walkway towerds the Lake

Walkway beside the Lake

Shadow of Trees

Beautiful Lake

Walkway beside the Lake
Md Mustafezur Rahman Rony
Sahebul Karim

Beautiful Cottage

Video of the walkway

Walkway into the shade of herbs


Lemon Tree

Night view of the cottage
Employees playing badminton

Some other places in Panchagarh that you should visit:

NoNameHow to go
1Mirzapur Shahi Mosque (মির্জাপুর শাহী মসজিদ)Fron Dhaka first go to Atwari (আটোয়ারী) Upazila bus stand using public transport like bus, coaches. From Atwari, Mirzapur is 6 km away by bus. Mirzapur Shahi Mosque is 1 km east of Mirzapur by rickshaw / van. You can also come Dinajpur by rail directly from Kamalapur railway station, Dhaka. From Dinajpur to Atwari (Kismat / কিসমত) railway station is 6 km away. You can use bus, van or rickshaw to reach Atwary.
2Rocks Museum
(রকস্ মিউজিয়াম)
The Rocks Museum is located at Panchagarh Government Women's College. From Panchagarh Central Bus Terminal you can go there by a rickshaw.
3Maharaja Dighi
(মহারাজার দিঘী)
From Panchagarh Central bus terminal start for Tentulia and get off in the place called Board Office (বোর্ড অফিস). Then take a rickshaw or van to reach Maharaja Dighi, 05 km to the east.
4Vitargarh Fort City
(ভিতরগড় দুর্গনগরী)
From Panchagarh Central bus terminal start for Tentulia and get off in the place called Board Office (বোর্ড অফিস). Then take a rickshaw or van to reach Vitargarh, 05 km to the east.
Vitargarh is located in Amarkhana (অমরখানা) Union No-1. From Panchagarh, Vitargarh is 15 km away. Vitargarh is adjacent to the Indian border.
6Banglabandha Zero Point (বাংলাবান্ধা জিরো পয়েন্ট)Panchagarh to Banglabandha about 63 km. Use private transport or local bus.
5 km from Panchagarh Sadar Upazila, located in Dhakkamara (ধাক্কামারা) Union to the south.
8Panchagarh's Asian Highway (পঞ্চগড় এশিয়ান হাইওয়ে)About 55 km from Panchagarh to Tentulia. The Asian Highway is full of aesthetic beauty.
9Golakdham Temple (গোলকধাম মন্দির)Golakdham temple is located in Shaldanga (শালডাংগা) village of Shaldanga union in Debiganj (দেবীগঞ্জ) upazila of Panchagarh district. The temple was built in 1848. The temple is located about 12 km northwest of Debiganj Upazila Sadar.
10Tentulia Dak Bungalow (তেঁতুলিয়া ডাক-বাংলো)Located in Tentulia upazila of Panchagarh district. 55 km from Panchagarh Sadar Upazila. This post bungalow is located on the bank of the river Mahananda in Tentulia Sadar Upazila.

Related Post

Banglabandha Zero Point and
Tetulia Dak Bungalow, Panchagarh
The Tea Capital, Sreemangal

Inter city bus, Ticket price, Bus counters number
Inter City Bus, Ticket price, Counters number

Google Map Location



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